LYFE Marketing
50 Hurt Plaza SE - Atlanta, GA . 30303

Dear applicant,

Thank you very much for considering employment at LYFE Marketing. As part of our recruitment process and in compliance with all applicable laws, it is standard procedure at LYFE Marketing to utilize pre-employment screening and testing assessments. We NEVER make a hiring decision solely based on test results. Such procedures are conducted without discrimination whatsoever.

This short survey takes about 5 minutes to fill.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION - Please read prior to starting the test.

  • All data related to this test form are used under strict compliance of privacy protection laws.
  • LYFE Marketing may collect personal information from you, such as full name, e-mail address, current and/or prior employment information as well as any other data, in order to proceed with the various evaluations methodologies related to employment or performance evaluation. All collected data are stored within the applicable laws and are exclusively used for the purposes intended through the testing process. No data acquired through this testing process is shared, sold or rented to any third party.
  • Our testing platform provider may temporarily use your personal data such as full name and email address, exclusively to allow the testing process to occur. No personal data is kept stored by the testing platform provider and all used data are encrypted - minimizing the odds of having your personal data improperly or illegally used by any third party.
  • You have the right to decline to complete this assessment, in compliance with the EEOA (Equal Employment Opportunity Act) in the USA or with any applicable employment law(s) in your country.
  • You also have the right to request information provided out of this assessment. If you have any question, feel free to ask your contact person at LYFE Marketing.


You will not be able to start the test unless you check each box.